A Moroccan Themed Baby Shower

This post has been a long time coming!  I designed this  Moroccan themed baby shower {with monkeys} months ago for a client, but with holidays and new projects that arose, I just never had time to share it until now.  The theme is unique, and truly custom for the expecting mother.  She and her husband met while working in Kuwait and were able to travel extensively while abroad.  They loved the Middle Eastern cultures and collected many beautiful authentic decorative items from that part of the world.  Fast forward to the present, and the mother-to-be is pregnant with twins, which she calls her “little monkeys,” hence the theme of our baby shower!  
Our design started with the colors of Middle Eastern spices: brown, orange, golden yellow, and green.  I used Indian-style lanterns, jeweled votive holders, patterned runner, and brocade ribbon to set the tables for lunch.  Each plate sat on a gold charger and was topped by a custom menu circle from Polkadot Prints.  Our little monkeys showed up here in the form of a wine glass hanger.
(Photos by Hunter Henkel Photography)
In the photo above you can see one of our other dining tables set with the most gorgeous authentic Indian Sari as a runner – a lucky addition from the hostess’ neighbor and friend.  A monogram hung on the back of a chair to represent the guest of honor’s seat.
Some of the activities that the guests enjoyed were guessing the number of gumballs inside a large jar, a “Price is Right” game, and a table set up to write notes or well wishes for the mother-to-be.  I was lucky enough to find some beautiful rolled paper scrolls {an Indian tradition} at World Market for the guests to write on and then place inside a Moroccan-style lantern. 
This design is a perfect example of how you can personalize a baby shower.  I’m pretty sure this is the first Middle Eastern/Monkey theme baby shower, and when the expectant mother walked in she was blown away by how much it represented her.  She loved that it was more ‘grown up’ too.  Seeing her joy is exactly why I love my job!
Styling: Chris Nease – Celebrations At Home
Photography: Hunter Henkel Photography
Custom menu & signs: Polkadot Prints;

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  1. I am planning a very similar shower for my sister and stumbled across your party when looking for ideas. It’s just gorgeous! Where did you get the paper scrolls? I would love to have some of these for people to write their baby blessings on at my sisters shower.

    1. Thanks Aurora,
      I found the scrolls at World Market ( aka Cost Plus). They were 3 to a pack for about $4 I think. It was one of those elements to the party that “I had to have!”
      Good luck with your planning! : )

  2. Chris, this is absolutely fabulous!! Love all the colors and the detail of the table setting – nice work!!

  3. Gorgeous as alwauys Chris! ADORE this color palette. Looks so modern and fresh! It's nice not to see Moroccan with purples and magentas!

  4. Your color palette (inspired by spices) looks so fresh and inviting! Cant' wait to see the rest of the party!

  5. This is just darling! Such a unique theme; I love that it's not too "cutesy baby". So classy.

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