The BEST Easter Egg Hunt Idea for Toddlers

This is the BEST Easter egg hunt idea for toddlers! How do you make a good egg hunt when the children are too young to know what to do? Here’s an adorable solution they’ll love, and you can host it in your own back yard, or in a public neighborhood or church setting.

The BEST Easter egg hunt idea for people with toddlers. You don't want to miss this!

Everyone loves an Easter egg hunt. We have them in our neighborhoods, our back yards, at churches and preschools, even city parks. It’s a fun tradition that children love….except for the toddlers.

Lets face facts. We want to include the little ones but they really don’t know what to do, or why they’re doing it.

Mom and dad try to coach them and nudge them in the right direction but it’s mostly futile. Now I’ve got the BEST solution for you. The secret is helium-filled balloons! 

The BEST idea for an Easter egg hunt with toddlers. You don't want to miss this!
The BEST idea for an Easter egg hunt with toddlers. You don't want to miss this!

Backyard Easter egg hunt

This idea is so simple and a great way to let young toddlers participate. It’s specifically designed for ages 1 to 3 at the oldest, but 18 months to 2 years old is optimal. After that they should be ready for egg hunting on their own.

If you have older children who are doing the Easter egg hunt, make sure they know to leave the balloon-tied eggs for the toddlers, or do a separate round of egg hunting for the older kids.

This would work for larger groups and organizations. Just get a few volunteers to help with blowing up the balloons.

The nice thing is that less eggs and balloons are needed for children this young. Their attention span is short, and our friend Rose was perfectly happy and stopped after gathering six treat-filled eggs.

The BEST idea for an Easter egg hunt with toddlers. You don't want to miss this!

Floating balloons draw toddlers in like a moth to a flame. It doesn’t take much coaxing from the parents either, because children naturally love balloons.

The BEST idea for an Easter egg hunt with toddlers. You don't want to miss this!
The BEST idea for an Easter egg hunt with toddlers. You don't want to miss this!


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This creative tip is truly one of my favorite original ideas to date. Here’s all the supplies you need to create this easy project.

  • Bunch of 9-inch balloons in spring colors.
  • Small helium tank to fill balloons.
  • Plastic Easter eggs to fill.
  • Individual or multiple Easter baskets.
  • Ribbon and scissors.
  • Candy and treats to put inside plastic eggs. Make sure there are no choking hazards.
  • Clear tape.
The BEST idea for an Easter egg hunt with toddlers. You don't want to miss this!
The BEST idea for an Easter egg hunt with toddlers. You don't want to miss this!
The BEST idea for an Easter egg hunt with toddlers. You don't want to miss this!

How to make an Easter egg hunt for toddlers

The trick to this is to tie balloons to the eggs and scatter them throughout the yard. It’s a terrific way to involve toddlers in an Easter egg hunt. 

  1. Fill balloons with helium and tie them off to secure.
  2. Tie long strands of ribbon around treat-filled Easter eggs, securing with a piece of tape.
  3. Place eggs all around the yard.

PARTY TIP: Optimal height for the floating balloons should be around toddler height or slightly taller. About 3 to 4 feet is good.

The BEST idea for an Easter egg hunt with toddlers. You don't want to miss this!

Quick Tip

This idea can be good for children with mental development challenges, too.

The BEST idea for an Easter egg hunt with toddlers. You don't want to miss this!

More ideas to celebrate Easter at home

Don’t miss these other holiday ideas that are the perfect addition to my Easter entertaining guide.

Are you hosting an Easter egg hunt for toddlers? I hope you’ll use this idea whether it’s for a whole group of little ones, or just for your own kids. Let me know how it goes!

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  1. So fun and pretty. Everybody loves helium-filled balloons!!

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